Event structure

Events are the basic unit of billable usage. They are emitted by your source systems or sent from one of our integrations and describe a single action occurring that the customer may be billed for.

Events have the following attributes:

  • uniqueId: A unique identifier for the event. This is used as a key to deduplicate events, or to allow upserting if configured.
  • eventName: The name of the event. This is used to group events together for aggregation.
  • accountId: The identifier of the customer that performed the action. This can either be the Alguna account ID or an alias configured for the account.
  • timestamp: The time the event occurred. This is used to attribute an event into a billing period.
  • properties: A set of key/value pairs that describe the event. These are used to filter events and build aggregations.

Billable Events can be sent to Alguna via multiple methods.

via API

The preferred method of event ingestion is via our API. This is the most flexible way to ingest events and is recommended for most use cases.

via CSV

Events can be ingested via CSV files. This is useful for ingesting low-volume data or corrections. To ingest events via CSV, navigate to the Usage Metering page and click the Upload CSV button.

Alguna also provides a template that you can re-use following best practice guidelines.

via Data Sources

Alguna supports event ingestion via third party tools such as BigQuery.