Alguna supports a wide variety of product types and payment terms, including fixed and metered products, one-off and recurring billing, and paying in advance or in arrears.

Product Overview

This section provides a summary of all the available products, including key details such as the billing type, billable metrics, charge type, and frequency. Each product can be configured with a different pricing model and billing schedule to suit various business needs.

Create a New Product

To create a new product, go to Production or Sandbox and click the New Product button.

From here, you can configure the name of your product, a description visiable in customer quotes as well as the pricing type details.

Fee Types

Alguna supports two types of fees, fixed and metered:

  • Fixed fees are consistent charges that remain the same across billing periods. These are typically used for things like monthly subscriptions or platform access fees.
  • Metered fees are variable charges based on actual usage. For instance, you might apply metered fees when charging per API request or per token consumed.

For fixed fees, you can configure additional options such as payment terms and billing frequency.

Charge Type

Alguna supports products being charged either in advance or arrears:

  • Upfront: Products charged in advance will be billed at the start of the billing period.
  • Arrears: Products charged in arrears will be billed at the end of the billing period.

For metered products, the payment terms are always in arrears, as the charges are calculated based on actual usage during the billing period.

Billing Frequency

The billing frequency applies to fixed products and determines how often a product is charged

  • Recurring: These products will be billed regularly at the start of each billing period (e.g., monthly or annually).
  • One-off: These products are billed a single time and will not recur in future billing periods.

For metered products, the billing frequency is always recurring (based on defined billing period) and only applicable when it happens based on usage.