In order to use the Alguna platform, you’ll need to create or sync your customer accounts with us. Ways to do it:

  1. Automatic synchronization via third-party integrations
  2. Programmatically by creating accounts via Alguna’s REST API
  3. Manually, by creating it on Alguna’s platform.

This allows us to build a holistic view of your customers’ product usage and provide you with insights.

Use Third-Party integration to sync accounts

We support automatic synchronization of accounts from your existing systems. Curently, we have support for synchronizing accounts from:

If you need to synchronize your accounts from a different source, please contact us.

External IDs aka Aliases

Alguna supports the concept of aliases. An alias is a way to map an account from your system to an account in Alguna. This is useful if you have multiple systems that you want to sync with Alguna, or if you want to use a different identifier for an account in Alguna. An alias can be any string, so this could be your internal customer ID, or an email, or something else.